More than 300 job losses at Dodoplast

More than 300 job losses at Dodoplast

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The employees of Dodo Plast are denouncing the unfair dismissal of their colleagues who, initially placed on technical leave, have now been forced to leave the company for good. A total of 330 employees have been subjected to this injustice for over two years now. Although they had hoped to be recalled to return to work, the employees placed on technical leave were surprised when, nine months later, their employer asked them to come and sign the documents making them redundant. "Dodo Plast Togo doesn't want to raise the minimum wage, so it prefers to employ casual workers to whom it can pay less", the dismissed employees claim.

During these months of 'technical leave', the employer has not seen fit to pay any compensation to the employees. To date, no payments have been made to these workers.

"The central labour body is in complete solidarity with these employees. We have explored every possible avenue of recourse in this case, including discussions and dialogue with management and the ministry. But to no avail. This employer thinks he is all-powerful in Togo and does as he pleases. It's unacceptable for a foreigner to set up in Togo and treat Togolese people in this way", says a member of the free zone workers' union.



Video from 9 July 1

Video from 9 July 2

Video from 10 July

Video from 11 July

Video from 25 July

Also see: Meeting with Issa Boukari, General Secretary of the National Union of Industrial Workers of Togo (SYNATSITO)


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