Created in March 2013, based on common trade union guidelines and practices of the Solidaires trade union centers in France, the CGT in Spain and the CSP-Conlutas in Brazil, the RSISL (International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles) arose from the need to unify the workers and the popular and social struggles against the attacks of the governments and the bosses all over the world.
Our objective is to promote union actions of a combative and internationalist nature, in order to strengthen the working class in the fight against capital and governments, and to promote international solidarity, to strengthen anti-capitalist, self-managing, democratic, environmentalist, independent unionism. of bosses and governments, and internationalist, fighting against all forms of oppression: chauvinism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia.
Every two years, the Network holds international meetings and updates a manifesto built collectively by the nearly 200 affiliated trade union organizations and movements.
In the "ILNSS' Meetings" section of the main menu, you will find news about our international events.
Read Statement of the 5th Meeting HERE.
National cross-sectoral trade unions:
1. Central Sindical e Popular Conlutas (CSP-Conlutas) - Brazil.
2. Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT) - Spanish State.
3. Union syndicale Solidaires (Solidaires) - France.
4. Confederazione Unitaria di Base (CUB) - Italy.
5. Confédération Générale Autonome des Travailleurs en Algérie (CGATA) - Algeria.
6. Ogólnopolski Związek Zawodowy Inicjatywa Pracownicza (OZZ IP) - Poland.
7. Confederación Intersindical (Intersindical) - Spanish State.
8. Sindacato Intercategoriale Cobas (SI COBAS) - Italy.
9. Confédération Nationale de Travailleurs du Sénégal Forces du Changement (CNTS/FC) - Senegal.
10. Unione Sindacale Italiana (USI) - Italy.
11. Confédération Nationale des Travailleurs - Solidarité Ouvrière (CNT SO) - France.
12. Intersindical Alternativa de Catalunya (IAC) - Catalonia.
13. Union Générale des Travailleurs Sahraouis en Saguia El Hamra et Rio de Oro (UGTSARIO) - Western Sahara.
14. Sindicato Autorganizzato Lavorator Cobas (SIAL-COBAS) - Italy.
15. General Federation of Independent Unions (GFIU) - Palestine.
16. Confederación de la Clase Trabajadora (CCT) - Paraguay.
17. Red Solidaria de Trabajadores - Peru.
18. Union Syndicale Progressiste des Travailleurs du Niger (USPT) - Niger.
19. Unión Nacional para la Defensa de la Clase Trabajadora (UNT) - El Salvador.
20. Solidaridad Obrera (SO) - Spanish State.
21. Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB) - United Kingdom.
22. Centrale Démocratique des Travailleurs de Martinique (CDMT) - Martinique.
23. Associazione Diritti Lavoratori Cobas (ADL COBAS) - Italy.
24. Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF) - Pakistan.
25. Organisation Démocratique Syndicale des Travailleurs de Centrafrique (ODSTC) - Central African Republic.
26. Palestine New Federation of Trade Unions (New Unions) - Palestine.
27. Intersindical - Confederació Sindical Catalana (Intersindical-CSC) - Catalonia.
28. União Nacional dos Trabalhadores de Cabo Verde – Central Sindical (UNTC-CS) - Cape Verde.
29. All Pakistan Federation of United Trade Unions (APFUTU) - Pakistan.
30. Sindacato Interprofessionale di Base (SIB) - Switzerland.
31. Confederación de Trabajadores Solidaridad Ecuatoriana (CTSE) - Ecuador.
32. Union pour la Défense des Travailleurs du Congo (UPDTC), République démocratique du Congo.
National professional unions:
1. Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Sistema Agroalimentario (SINALTRAINAL/CUT) - Colombia.
2. Syndicat national des travailleurs des services de la santé humaine (SYNTRASEH) - Benin.
3. Sindicat dos Trabalhadores da Fiocruz (ASFOC-SN) - Brazil.
4. Union Nationale des Normaliens d’Haïti (UNNOH) - Haiti.
5. Confederazione Unitaria di Base Scuola Università Ricerca (CUB SUR) - Italy.
6. Syndicat des travailleurs du rail – Centrale Démocratique des Travailleurs du Mali (SYTRAIL/CDTM) - Mali.
7. Amazones du rail - Mali.
8. Syndicat des Travailleurs des Grands Trains du Sénégal (STGTS) - Senegal.
9. Organisation Démocratique du Rail (ODR) - Morocco.
10. Palestinian Postal Service Workers Union (PPSWU) - Palestine.
11. Union Syndicale Etudiante (USE) - Belgium.
12. Sindicato dos Trabalhadores de Call Center (STCC) - Portugal.
13. Sindicato Unitario de Trabajadores Petroleros (Sinutapetrolgas) - Venezuela.
14. Alianza de Trabajadores de la Salud y Empleados Publicos - Mexico.
15. Syndicat Autonome des Postiers - SYNDIBASI (SAP-SYNDIBASI) - Switzerland.
16. Federación nacional de trabajadores de la educación (SUTE-Chili) - Chile.
17. Plateforme Nationale des organisations professionnelles des secteurs public et privé - Côte d’Ivoire.
18. Centrale Générale des Services Publics FGTB, Cheminots (CGSP/FGTB Cheminots) - Belgium.
19. Botswana Public Employees Union (BOPEU) - Botswana.
20. Organisation Démocratique des Cheminots Libres (ODSL) - Morocco.
21. Federacao Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Transportes Aéros do Brasil (FNTTA) - Brazil.
22. Federação Nacional dos Metroviários (FENAMETRO) - Brazil.
23. Namibia Football Players Union (NAFPU) - Namibia.
24. Palestinian Electricians' Trade Union (PETU) - Palestine.
25. Missão Publica Organizada - Portugal.
26. Syndicat National des Travailleurs du Secteur Industriel du Togo (SYNATSITO) - Togo.
27. Sindicato independiente de Trabajadoras del Hogar y los Cuidados (SINTRAHOCU) - Spanish State.
28. Sindicato dos Trabalhadores do Sector Automóvel (STASA) - Portugal.
29. Sindicato Nacional de Motoristas de Matérias Perigosas - Casa Sindical (SNMMP) - Portugal.
30. Sindicato de Todos os Profissionais da Educação (STOP) - Portugal.
31. Central Committee of Sudan Pharmacists (CCSP) - Sudan.
32. Central Committee of Sudan Doctors (CCSD) - Sudan.
33. Sudanese Engineers Association (SEA) - Sudan.
34. Sudanese Environmentalists Association (SEA) - Sudan.
35. Preparatory Committee for the Restoration of the Journalists Union (PCRJU) - Sudan.
36. Sudanese Bar Association (SBA) - Sudan.
37. Central Committee for Medical Laboratories (CCML) - Sudan.
38. Central Committee of the Health Officers Association (CCHOA) - Sudan.
39. Meteorological Professional Association (MPA) - Sudan.
40. Association of Consultants and Specialists (ACS) - Sudan.
41. Sudanese Bankers Association (SBA) - Sudan.
42. Fédération de technologie de l’information et des services de l’Union Générale Tunisienne du Travail (FTIS-UGTT) - Tunisia.
43. National Garment Workers Federation (NGWF) - Bangladesh.
Local unions:
1. سندیکای کارگران شرکت واحد اتوبوسرانی تهران و حومه (واحد)- Syndicat des travailleurs du transport de Téhéran et sa banlieue (Vahed) - Iran.
2. Asociación Gremial de Trabajadores del Subterráneo y Premetro, Buenos Aires - Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina de los trabajadores (SUBTE/CTAt) - Argentina.
3. Trades Union Congress, Liverpool (TUC Liverpool) - England.
4. Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de Notimex, (SutNotimex) - Mexico.
5. Eğitim Sen section de Diyarbakır - Kamu Emekçileri Sendikaları Konfederasyon (Eğitim Sen Diyarbakır/KESK) - Kurdistan.
6. Centrale Générale des Services Publics FGTB, Ville de Bruxelles (CGSP/FGTB Bruxelles) - Belgium.
7. Sindacato Territoriale Autorganizzato, Brescia (ORMA Brescia) - Italy.
8. Sindicato Unificado de Trabajadores de la Educación de Buenos Aires, Bahia Blanca (SUTEBA/CTA de los trabajadores Bahia Blanca) - Argentina.
9. Sindicato del Petróleo y Gas Privado del Chubut /CGT - Argentina.
10. UCU University and College Union, University of Liverpool (UCU Liverpool) - England.
11. Sindicato Uno Prodinsa, Maipú - Chile.
12. Asociación Sindical de Educadores de Medellín - Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (ASDEM-CUT) - Colombia.
13. Sindicato de empleados públicos del SENA (SINDESENA) - Colombia.
14. COBAS Scuola Sardegna (COBAS Sardegna) - Italy.
15. COBAS Sicilia (COBAS Sicilia) - Italy.
16. Union locale de Kriviy Rih de la Confédération des syndicats indépendants d’Ukraine (KVPU Krivyi Rih) - Ukraine.
17. Comíte de Emprensa de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras de la emprensa Explocen (CETTE) - Ecuador.
Trade union currents, tendencies or networks:
1. Transnationals Information Exchange Germany (TIE Germany) - Germany.
2. Emancipation tendance intersyndicale (Emancipation) - France.
3. Fronte di lotta No Austerity - Italy.
4. Solidarité Socialiste avec les Travailleurs en Iran (SSTI) - France.
5. LabourNet Germany - Germany.
6. Workers Solidarity Action Network (WSAN) - United States.
7. United Voices of the World (UVW) - United Kingdom.
8. Unidos pra Lutar - Brazil.
9. Corriente Político Social Sindical 1° de Mayo de Buenos Aires - Argentina.
10. Coordinamento Nazionale Unitario Pensionati di oggi e di domani (CONUP) - Italy.
11. National Association of Human Rights Defenders - Palestine.
12. Red de Trabajadores - Argentina.
13. Coordinadora Sindical de Solidaridad de Cartagena (CSSC) - Colombia.
14. International alliance in support of workers in Iran (IASWI).
15. Congolese Renaissance Movement (CRM) - Democratic Republic of the Congo.
16. Congolese civil society of south Africa (CCSSA) - South Africa.
17. Human Resource Association (HRA) - Sudan.
18. Comision Gremial Centro Cultural La Toma - Argentina.