6th Meeting of the International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles
Event is key moment for debate on international workers' struggle
The 6th Meeting of the International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles will take place from 13 to 16 November 2025 in the city of Chianciano Terme, located in the Tuscany region of Italy.
Our last meeting took place in September 2023 in São José dos Campos, Brazil. On that occasion, we reaffirmed the need to strengthen the international workers' organisation.
We believe that this meeting will be a key moment for the debate on the international workers' struggle against the rise of the far right and authoritarian governments, capitalism and its consequences, including job insecurity, privatisations and layoffs, imperialism and its wars, and the migratory and environmental crises that threaten the future of humanity.
It will also be an essential space for solidarity and co-operation between workers from different sectors and countries, strengthening networks of support and resistance at a global level.
We also want to advance the thematic debates that are a hallmark of ILNSS, addressing issues such as women's rights and feminism, combating oppression, self-management and workers' control, repression and confronting the far right, anti-colonialism, anti-racism and immigrant rights.
This is a first communication and an invitation to our international meeting. We will continue to release new information and more details about the programme, registration and accommodation.
Save the dates: the 6th ILNSS’ Meeting will take place from 13 to 16 November 2025.