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We support the strike in Tuš

We support the strike in Tuš

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The Network

The Tuš trade union, a member of STDS, is calling a strike, with the help and support of CEDRA.

The union has been in talks with management for a year and a half, but has only obtained a few minor concessions (reinstatement of bonuses abolished a year ago, promise to negotiate a collective agreement at the beginning of 2024). Above all, management has shown a great deal of contempt for the workers and their union: as far as wages are concerned, the company is proposing a basic wage of €1,150, which is less than the minimum wage in force in 2024.

This strike is the first in Slovenia's retail sector since the 1992 general strike. More than 60 establishments will be affected by the strike.

The bosses are exerting enormous pressure on workers to give up strike action: strike action is a workers' right; it is their weapon against employer exploitation.

The member organisations of the International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggle support the workers in Slovenia in their struggle for higher wages, better working conditions and more jobs.


Send messages of support to:

  • President of the TUŠ trade union: Mirjana Janjić:
  • General Secretary of the SDTS Ladi Rožič:
  • Centre for Social Research (CEDRA):

Send protest messages to

  • Director of Engrotuš Duan Mitič:
  • Representative of the Tuš company:
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