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No To Repression Of The Alitalia Struggle!

No To Repression Of The Alitalia Struggle!

Immediate withdrawal of denunciations against Alitalia activists and workers

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In the past few days, complaints have been served on three Alitalia workers and activists from the organisations Cub trasporti (adhering to the Rsisl), Usb and the Comitato Tutti A Bordo.

The 3 comrades are accused by the police of an offence of "unauthorised demonstration" which allegedly took place on 16 May in front of the headquarters of the Lazio Region in Rome. This repressive attack came at a time when the Alitalia struggle was regaining strength on the streets and with the first victories in the courts against the dismissals of Ita Airways.

On 16 May, hundreds of Alitalia workers were gathered in an assembly in a theatre in front of the Lazio Region's headquarters and at the end of the assembly they spontaneously decided to go to the institutional building to demand a meeting.

These denunciations are part of the tightening of repression and the right to strike and dissent by Meloni's far-right government, but they are permitted by laws that were also passed with the support of the parliamentary left and the 5 Star Movement.

No form of struggle in defence of labour can be repressed, the International Trade Union Network of Solidarity and Struggle expresses support for the Alitalia workers still struggling against the dismissals and privatisation policies, and repudiates any act of repression against any form of Resistance.

Long life to the struggle of the Alitalia workers!

Immediate withdrawal of the denunciations of the 3 comrades!

Reinstatement for all workers dismissed by the Ita Plan!




Immediate withdrawal of denunciations against Alitalia activists and workers

In the past few days, complaints have been served on three Alitalia workers and activists from the organisations Cub trasporti (adhering to the Rsisl), Usb and the Comitato Tutti A Bordo.

The 3 comrades are accused by the police of an offence of "unauthorised demonstration" which allegedly took place on 16 May in front of the headquarters of the Lazio Region in Rome. This repressive attack came at a time when the Alitalia struggle was regaining strength on the streets and with the first victories in the courts against the dismissals of Ita Airways.

On 16 May, hundreds of Alitalia workers were gathered in an assembly in a theatre in front of the Lazio Region's headquarters and at the end of the assembly they spontaneously decided to go to the institutional building to demand a meeting.

These denunciations are part of the tightening of repression and the right to strike and dissent by Meloni's far-right government, but they are permitted by laws that were also passed with the support of the parliamentary left and the 5 Star Movement.

No form of struggle in defence of labour can be repressed, the International Trade Union Network of Solidarity and Struggle expresses support for the Alitalia workers still struggling against the dismissals and privatisation policies, and repudiates any act of repression against any form of Resistance.

Long life to the struggle of the Alitalia workers!

Immediate withdrawal of the denunciations of the 3 comrades!

Reinstatement for all workers dismissed by the Ita Plan!



Retirada imediata das denúncias dirigidas aos ativistas e trabalhadores da Alitalia.

Nos últimos dias, foram notificadas denúncias a três trabalhadores da Alitalia e ativistas das organizações Cub Transport (aderente ao Rsisl), USB e ao Comitato Tutti a Bordo.

Os 3 companheiros são acusados pela polícia do crime de "manifestação não autorizada" que teria ocorrido em 16 de maio em frente à sede da Região Lazio, em Roma. Esse ataque repressivo ocorre justamente quando a luta da Alitalia está retomando com força nas ruas e com as primeiras vitórias nos tribunais contra as demissões da Ita Airways.

Em 16 de maio, centenas de trabalhadores da Alitalia estiveram reunidos em um teatro em frente à sede da Região Lazio e, ao final da assembleia, decidiram espontaneamente irem até o Palácio institucional para pedir uma reunião.

Essas denúncias fazem parte do endurecimento da repressão e do direito de greve e dissidência do governo de extrema direita de Meloni, mas são permitidas por leis que também foram aprovadas com o apoio da esquerda parlamentar e do Movimento 5 Estrelas.

Nenhuma forma de luta espontânea pode ser reprimida, a Rede Sindical Internacional de Solidariedade e Luta expressa apoio aos trabalhadores da Alitalia que ainda lutam contra demissões e políticas de privatização, e repudia qualquer ato de repressão contra qualquer forma de resistência.

Viva a luta dos trabalhadores da Alitalia!

Retirada imediata das denúncias aos 3 camaradas!

Reintegração para todos os trabalhadores demitidos pelo Plano ITA!

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