IV th meeting - Dijon (France) 21 to 24 April 2022.
Solidaires (CM)
It is desirable that as many organisations as possible participate in this meeting to strengthen our Network.
Où ?
Ethic Etape, centre de rencontres internationales de séjour de DIJON
Arrival: Thursday around 1pm to allow for an on-time start.
Meeting: from Thursday 21 April at 3pm to Sunday 24 April at 12pm.
A welcome for comrades will be organised at Dijon station.
We ask all organisations to meet a minimum cost, although this represents a significant financial effort: it is neither desirable nor possible for the total cost to be met by a handful of organisations or by state grants.
The cost is 270€ per person and includes
- accommodation for the three nights
- all meals from the evening of Thursday 21 April to midday on Sunday 24 April.
For non-European organisations the cost can be reduced to 170 euros; the difference will be paid by a solidarity fund.
Solidarity fund :
CSP-Conlutas, CGT and Solidaires have set up a joint solidarity fund to enable the participation of organisations in difficulty. Let us know quickly if you need financial help. Let us also know if your organisation can (even modestly, everything will be useful) contribute to this fund.
Registration: form to fill in
Agenda :
Thursday 21 April
13h30 - 15h: welcome, accreditation, accommodation.
15:00-19:00: Plenary presentation of the economic situation.
7.30-8.30 pm: Meal.
9-10.30pm: Round table on Palestine.
Friday 22nd April
9.00am - 10.00am: plenary presentation of each theme with a summary of the texts from the previous meeting for Women - Self-management/Worker Control, Migration - Colonialism - Repression - Occupational Health and Environment.
10.00 - 12.30: work in thematic workshops
12.30 - 13.45: MEAL
2.30 - 6.00 pm: return to the plenary of the workshops
7pm - 8.30pm: meal
9pm - 10.30pm : round table on new forms of exploitation and organisation of workers : delivery workers, uberisation, auto-entrepreneurs, ...
Saturday 23rd April
9:00 - 10:00: plenary presentation of the work done by professional sectors within the Network
10.00 - 12.30: workshops by sector: education, automotive industry, rail transport, air transport, logistics, pensioners, post office, commerce, banking, call centres, public finance, delivery workers, health, journalism, etc. The final list will depend on the registrations of the Network's member organisations.
12.30 - 13.45: MEAL
14h30 - 16h00 : continuation of the workshops by sector
16.00 - 18.00: Return to the plenary of the workshops by sector
7pm - 8.30pm: meal
9pm : fiesta
Sunday 24 April
9am - 12pm: Updating the text of the manifesto, following on from those already adopted at the first three meetings
Meetings by sectors
The number of sectoral workshops will be established on the basis of the professional sectors of the comrades registered for the meeting. It seems that we can already foresee the list indicated above, but this must be confirmed by your registrations.
Debate and contributions
There is an urgent need for organisations to write texts, especially on the following themes: international situation, ecology, women's struggles, privatisation, repression, self-management, etc.
Important: we ask that texts be sent to us already translated into at least English, French and Spanish at 4rencontre@solidaires.org
Our 4th meeting is an opportunity to strengthen the International Trade Union Solidarity and Struggle Network through meetings by professional sector and collective reflection on the subjects that the organisations will have considered as priorities, as well as through the adoption of a work plan and common tools that will allow us to strengthen the anti-capitalist, self-managing, democratic, environmentalist trade unionism of struggles, independent of the bosses and governments, internationalist, and fighting against all forms of oppression (machism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia).