Latin american Virtual Plenary of the ILNSS: Mobilisation against the G20 and Venezuela
Plenary of the International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles will be held on 29 August
As part of the construction of our international articulation, on 29 August another Latin American Virtual Plenary of the International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles will be held.
This is one of the periodic spaces for members of the Network to share reports, perceptions and local experiences, and this time it will bring special information about the mobilisation against the G20 in Brazil, with a special report by Herbert Claros, a member of the ILNSS and International Sector of CSP-Conlutas, and the current situation in Venezuela, with reports by Roberto López Sánchez, from the International Support Commission of the National Committee for the Conflict of Workers in Struggle (CNCTL - Comité Nacional de Conflicto de Trabajadores en Lucha), José Bodas Lugo, General Secretary of the Unitary Federation of Oil, Gas, Similar and Derivative Workers of Venezuela (FUTPV), and Carlos Segura, currently retired and living in Mexico as a refugee, former secretary of administration of the Single Textile Union of Workers and Employees of Aragua State (SUTOEA), former oil sector worker and participant in the inter-union leaders that were formed in Anzoátegui to fight for workers' rights from 2018 to 2020.
- To register, visit the form: ILNSS' Plenary