ILNSS’ Virtual Meeting brings together affiliated organisations and discusses struggles and concrete international solidarity

ILNSS’ Virtual Meeting brings together affiliated organisations and discusses struggles and concrete international solidarity

Resistances in Ukraine and Palestine were the main topics of discussion among participants from 16 countries

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A review of the commitment of the International Labour Union Network of Solidarity and Struggles, signed at the 5th Meeting held in 2023 in Brazil, opened the ILNSS’ virtual meeting on 10 December, attended by more than 20 members from various countries.

To recall the struggles defended by the ILNSS at the last international meeting, Fábio Bosco listed some of the motions approved, such as support for the workers' resistance in Ukraine, the struggles of the indigenous, Palestinian, Saharawi and Kurdish peoples, strikes in the UK, mobilisations against pension reforms in France and Spain, rejection of persecution, political arrests and dismissals in Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Venezuela, among others.

The initiative is one of the recommendations of the 5th Meeting, which will hold three meetings throughout the year to exchange experiences and report on the difficulties faced and struggles undertaken by the organisations affiliated to the ILNSS.

Solidarity with the Ukrainian resistance

Yuri Samoilov, a mining union leader from Kryvyi Rih, was the first to share about the current situation of the workers' struggle in Ukraine.

According to the trade unionist's account, the war has imposed serious problems with the supply of clothes and food and difficulties in maintaining shelters.

"It's not possible to predict when to advance or withdraw, because decisions have to be made very quickly. And in those moments there are always items that we can't take, which is why we need reinforcements to have enough food and shelter for those at the front," he explained.

Samoilov also explained that due to the war, demonstrations and strikes have been banned or restricted. "That's why international mobilisation against corporations like ArcelorMittal, for example, is very important."

In addition to this already tense situation, there are other factors jeopardising the work of the resistance against the Russian invasion: the winter and the shortage of drinking water.

Herbert Claros, a member of the Labour Union Network and CSP-Conlutas, emphasised the seriousness of the situation and stressed "the importance of continuing the campaign to raise funds to build drinking water wells in Ukraine".

Comrades Nepo, from Argentina, Alfredo, from Co.bas Spain, Hortensia, from Solidaires, and Martin Ralph, a British trade unionist and vice-president of TUC Liverpool, confirmed concrete actions of support to guarantee access to drinking water for the Ukrainians of Kryvyi Rih.

Alfredo, from Co.bas, Spain, explained that it is necessary to "continue in this way, deepening the work of solidarity", while Martin said that at a meeting with unions in the education sector planned for 13 December, the campaign to support Ukraine would be discussed.

Oksana Slobodyana, a Ukrainian nurse activist from the "Be like Nina" movement, spoke about the health movement's fight against the "complete lack of transparency about the handling of humanitarian aid, revealing a serious inequality and injustice that is reflected in the treatment and care of patients". 

The movement of which Oksana is a member has played a key role under the gender cut. In an interview with the ILNSS, she commented that "most Ukrainian nurses are deprived of opportunities for professional development and are not encouraged to improve their skills. In addition to her work, a woman has to raise her children, look after her family's health and manage her household."

Another sector of the working class represented at the meeting was transport. Vladimir Kozelsky, a trade unionist in the railway sector, portrayed the difficulties involved in working on a long railway line and transporting defence items for the country, under dangerous conditions and with tough responsibilities for the resistance.

Support for the brave Palestinian struggle

Imad Temiza, union leader of the PPSWU, the postal service of occupied Palestine, began his speech by thanking the many demonstrations of support for the resistance against the Israeli attacks.

Sixty-three days after the massacre, he spoke about the destruction of Gaza and the damaged economic conditions for the Palestinian people.

The death toll in Gaza is over 17,000, half of whom are children, the trade unionist says that the unemployment situation in the 1948 territories and the West Bank is alarming. "Regarding Gaza, we've lost contact with the postal workers there. We're asking for support for a ceasefire and a guarantee of humanitarian aid." Temiza also emphasised the importance of demanding that countries break off trade and military relations with Israel.

Herbert reported that in Brazil, unions affiliated to CSP-Conlutas continue to take part in all the acts of solidarity with Palestine, usually held on Sundays throughout the country.

From Colombia, trade unionists Jorge Correa and Yudi Aya took part in the discussions. The comrade considered it important that the trade unions continue to advance in effective actions in support of the Palestinian people, affirming that international cooperation between Latin American countries is possible and necessary for this.

In the same vein, other participants in the meeting expressed the need for direct solidarity. Roberto Luzzi, leader of Si cobas in Italy, spoke about the blockades of harbours, such as Genoa, to stop ships entering and leaving Israel. "We need active solidarity, not just declarations," he said. 

Martin also described similar actions involving various fighting unions that have shown support for Palestine. "We've seen BDS campaigns and we've realised that here in the UK Israeli arms companies [Elbit] have been the targets of popular action. We had a meeting with dozens of trade unionists here in Liverpool, led by the dockers, who are carrying out blockades of any Israeli ships or arms shipments to Israel."

Peter Evans, from the UCU union, reinforced the UK's support for Israel's apartheid state.

Edu Aguayo, a PT Paraguay activist, commented on "the importance of the space to exchange the problems facing the working class around the world" and explained that there is support for the Palestinian struggle in his country, but under a "very important media siege".

Leonardo Arantes, from the Venezuelan National Committee on Workers' Conflicts, also reinforced the support of the global south against the "Israeli Zionist genocide in Gaza".

Marcelina Pedraza, representing UAW Local 551, spoke about the union's support for the Palestinian cause A historic action of solidarity with the resistance of the Palestinian people is the call for a ceasefire, made on 1 December. The action is very important considering the fact that the UAW is part of one of the largest car manufacturers in the United States.

Local reports

Argentina - The fight against the IMF, the bosses' governments and the betrayal of union leaders allied with the governments were obstacles shared at the meeting. The ultra-right government of Javier Milei, subordinate to Zionism, was also mentioned. Comrades from the country asked for support for the freedom of the activist Christian Dias, as happened with Daniel Ruiz and Sebastián Romero. 

Brazil - The struggles of the São José dos Campos Metalworkers' Union were reported, with the victorious strike at GM in response to more than a thousand layoffs, which were cancelled under strong mobilisation, and the broad campaign against the privatisation of the state-owned water distributor and the São Paulo trains and metro, as well as the reinstatement of metro leaders who were politically dismissed after a strike by the category.

Spanish State - Maria Luz Intersindical Confederation Right-wing and ultra-right-wing governments. education and health must be public. wages frozen since the 2008 crisis. this is our daily struggle as working class people.

United States - The strike at the three big car manufacturers was cited as one of the main mobilisations of the recent period. The workers won wage increases and came together to unify the wage struggles in the perspective of a general strike, with the aim of organising 31 other companies that make cars in the US.

Italy - Comrades from Italy shared recent actions in defence of Palestine, such as a large demonstration on 17 November, as well as an important report on the struggles against violence against women on 25 November. The transport sector, especially the railways, has also been mobilising, including issues such as safety at work. This category has suffered repression from the state, which has prevented the right to strike. There have also been reports of struggles against redundancies in logistics companies and the withdrawal of rights.

Mexico - The historic strike by workers at the Sutnotimex communications agency was discussed at the meeting. Largely made up of women, this class of strikers has been harshly attacked with campaigns to discredit and criminalise them. SITIMTA leader Jorge Salgado also discussed the change to the national water law, which has led to various joint actions and mobilisations. Representatives of the CNTE and SINTTIA, from GM Silao, also spoke about local struggles and the importance of internationalist solidarity.

Paraguay - In Paraguay, one of the current mobilisations is against the country's pension reform.

Poland - With protests planned to take place on 11 December in Warsaw, the struggle of municipal public workers is demanding better wages. Pawel Nowozycki, from IP, also made a contribution to the campaign to build drinking water wells in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.

Portugal - João Reis, from Stasa Portugal, described lithium prospecting in the country and reported that there is resistance from local populations in defence of subsistence farming. It was clear that capitalist interests are hiding under a false green transition.

United Kingdom - Strikes in the transport sector, with the RMT union at the forefront, as well as other mobilisations such as Amazon and healthcare workers were highlights. The strike wave led to important victories at regional and national level.

Venezuela - The critical economic, political and social situation in Venezuela was discussed. The leaders present highlighted the increase in workers dependent on the informal economy, the low minimum wage and denounced the hundreds of people in political prison for acting as union leaders.

Strengthening and making the struggle resonate

David Blanco, coordinator of the ILNSS and secretary of International Relations of the CGT, reiterated an old request of the organisation, the importance of making known all the struggles of the unions belonging to the ILNSS and giving them visibility on our website and social networks.

Marcelo Amendola, coordinator of the Labour Union Network and leader of CUB Italy, emphasised the valuable effort made to hold regular talks in order to keep relations aligned and strengthened.

For him, it is possible to boost meetings at continental level in order to discuss common problems and the agenda of struggles.

A report was shared on the European Network Meeting, which will take place on 2, 3 and 4 February in Milan, Italy, to resume work and serve as an incentive for the same to happen on other continents.

Plenaries with Latin American countries have already taken place and the dynamics have strengthened relations and common struggle actions. 

For the International Labour Union Network of Solidarity and Struggles, internationalism is fundamental to the transformation it seeks as a combative, independent and fighting organisation.

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