5th ILNSS’ Meeting ends with reading of Manifesto and proposals for motions
Commitment to strengthening a combative and independent internationalist trade unionism was a highlight of the resolutions
The last day of the 5th Meeting of the International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles was reserved for the reading of the proposed Manifesto and the suggestions for motions indicated collectively. Over the three days of the Meeting, there were spaces for exchange and discussions with sectoral and thematic groups that spoke about the most diverse struggles taking place around the world.
On 9 september, there were sectoral meetings by professional category that allowed the exchange of experiences and campaigns from different sectors. The Network encourages the self-organization of these groups by category.
And on 12 september, in the morning there were meetings by thematic groups: Repression and fight against the ultra-right; Women and oppression; racism and migration; pension reforms and Water and climate change.
Representatives of various trade union and popular organizations reaffirmed principles that unite them, including the defense of the rights of the working class, combative trade unionism, the independence of the working class and opposition to austerity plans and forms of oppression.
The ILNSS resolutions also emphasize the urgent need to combat environmental destruction, defend life, self-organization and the fight against the extreme right.
Motions were approved by acclamation, covering topics such as mobilizations against the G-20, Zero Eviction in Brazil, solidarity with the Angolan people, the demand for the acquittal of Argentine fighters, support for the strike of automotive workers in the USA and the struggle of the Kurdish people .