Panel on Ukraine presented powerful and moving accounts of resistance against Russian invasion

Panel on Ukraine presented powerful and moving accounts of resistance against Russian invasion

Representatives of IP, Initiative Workers, and Ukrainian resisters demonstrated the importance of concrete international solidarity

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In the panel held during the review of the resolutions of the 4th International Meeting of the ILNSS, representatives from Ukraine shared impactful reports about the war in their country.

Christian Mahieux, leader of the Solidaires trade union in France and one of the founders of the Network, highlighted ILNSS’ active solidarity with the Ukrainian trade union and popular resistance, which included fundraising and sending three trade union convoys to Ukraine with humanitarian aid.

Pawel Nowozycki, representative of Poland, presented a positive review of the convoys and emphasized the importance of maintaining support for Ukrainian workers. In addition to aid, the convoys aim to strengthen local struggles and inform the international working class about the situation.

The convoys took place in April 2022, October 2022 and June 2023, delivering more than three tons of humanitarian aid, including food and medicine. “It is important to say that it is specifically workers’ aid and directed by workers for workers,” said Nowozycki

After the debriefing, participants heard moving accounts from two Ukrainian workers: a nurse, Oksana Slobodyana, and a miner, Yuri Petrovich.

Oksana described the devastating impact of the war on her country, with scenes of destruction, overwhelmed hospitals and people seeking refuge in makeshift attics. “Two days after [the beginning of the attack, on February 24, 2022] I went to work, you know I work at the hospital, and there I had to take an intravenous injection to overcome the nervous crisis I had when I saw a large number of injured people and mutilated in the hospital,” he said. She highlighted international solidarity as a source of hope.

Yuri added, explaining how the convoys were crucial in providing essential aid, including clothing, generators and bandages. “At that time, the train generators were used not only at the front, but also in city hospitals. This is something very important that saved lives”, said Yuri.

After the attack that culminated in the collapse of one of the country's largest dams, Kakhovka, workers fighting against the Russian invasion are asking for money to buy drilling machines to build wells. “The water distributed today is impossible to use for consumption, not only is it not possible to drink, it is also not possible to use it for other things, even if it is boiled. It has a lot of chemicals and impurities”, highlighted Yuri.

Listening to the moving accounts of Ukrainian workers, it is clear that international solidarity plays a crucial role in helping those facing the horrors of war. The union convoys, with their direct and concrete support for the Ukrainian working class, have been a source of hope and vital assistance for the people who face the violent Russian invasion daily, in defense of their lands and dignity.


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