A collection for solidarity!
Solidaires (CM)
From the beginning of the war, the International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggle turned to trade unionists in the countries concerned.
In Belarus, the comrades of the BKDP are facing enormous repression. Many leaders are imprisoned, the unions are dissolved. We call for solidarity with these comrades, notably by relaying information on their situation, and by demanding their release and the respect of trade union rights.
In Russia, a few days after the start of the war, we welcomed the courageous attitude of the KTR trade unionists. We continue to support all those who refuse to submit to Putin's regime.
In Ukraine, we immediately contacted trade unionists to find out their positions, their actions and their needs. Concerning their positions and actions, we regularly relay their information. As far as the needs are concerned, we tried from the outset to respond as best we could. Two convoys of the International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggle went to Ukraine, to bring material and to meet activists there.
We want to organise a third convoy, to respond to urgent needs, made worse by the winter and soon a year of war.
A collection is open. We invite trade unions, trade union federations, trade union unions, activists to participate.