Free Daniel Akande and all arrested!
We demand immediate release! Express your International solidarity!
On Sunday, September 1, Nigerian activist Daniel Akande, a member of the Movement for Socialist Alternative (MSA), was detained by police in the nation's capital, Abuja. Akande, along with 11 others, faces severe charges, including accusations of "crimes against the homeland," potentially exposing him to the death penalty.
Akande's arrest comes amid growing unrest in Nigeria following mass protests earlier this year, sparked by sharp increases in fuel, transportation, and food prices. The most recent protests, held in early August under the banner of the #EndBadGovernance movement, have led to widespread detentions. Human rights groups report that hundreds of protesters have been arrested since the demonstrations concluded on August 10.
Activists and organizations, both within Nigeria and internationally, are calling for the immediate release of Akande and all other detained protesters. The charges are politically motivated, part of a broader crackdown under President Bola Tinubu's administration, which has faced increasing criticism for its handling of the economic crisis and failure to implement promised wage increases.
The regime's response to legitimate dissent has been repression, and the charges against Akande and the others are baseless, aimed at silencing activists who speak out against the government's policies.
Labour unions, left-wing groups, and democratic grassroots organizations are urged to rally in support of Akande and the other detainees. The call for solidarity extends beyond Nigeria's borders, with international solidarity to pressure the Nigerian government for their release.
Send protest messages to:
Office of the President Tinubu: info@osgf.gov.ng, info@statehouse.gov.ng
Police in Abuja: pressforabuja@police.gov.ng
Copy to: nigeria.solidarity.campaign@gmail.com
(Portuguese version below)
Free Daniel Akande and all arrested!
On Sunday, 1 September, Daniel Akande, member of MSA in Nigeria was arrested by police in Abuja, the Nigerian capital. We demand his immediate release, with all charges dropped.
We demand the release of all protesters arrested and held in custody since the #EndBadGovernanceProtest ended on August 10. In total hundreds have been arrested.
We are closely following events in Nigeria, where the huge price increases on fuel, transport and food caused mass protests this year, latest and largest in early August. We have also noted the new minimum wage not being implemented.
The response of the regime under president Tinubu has been increased repression against activists and labour, with completely unfounded charges.
We urge labour, left wing and democratic grassroot organisations to engage and spread information and protests for the immediate release of all arrested.
City and date:
Names and organisation:
Portuguese version:
Libertem Daniel Akande e todos os presos!
No domingo, 1º de setembro, Daniel Akande, membro da MSA na Nigéria, foi preso pela polícia em Abuja, capital da Nigéria. Exigimos sua libertação imediata, com todas as acusações retiradas.
Exigimos a libertação de todos os manifestantes presos e mantidos sob custódia desde que o protesto #EndBadGovernanceProtest terminou em 10 de agosto. No total, centenas de pessoas foram presas.
Estamos acompanhando de perto os acontecimentos na Nigéria, onde os enormes aumentos de preços de combustível, transporte e alimentos causaram protestos em massa este ano, o último e maior deles no início de agosto. Também observamos que o novo salário mínimo não está sendo implementado.
A resposta do regime do presidente Tinubu foi o aumento da repressão contra ativistas e trabalhadores, com acusações totalmente infundadas.
Pedimos que as organizações sindicais, de esquerda e democráticas de base se envolvam e divulguem informações e protestos para a libertação imediata de todos os presos.
Cidade e data:
Nomes e organização:
About Daniel
Daniel Akande is an activist in the social and youth movements and also a socialist militant. The struggle for his release, along with ten other activists (including trade unionists) who, like him, are being charged with alleged crimes that could lead to the death penalty, is a defining issue of the trade union movement and a cause taken up by trade union leaders in Nigeria and many parts of the world.
Joe Ajaero, president of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) was personally present at the first trial session of Akende and the other ten activists, showing solidarity with the persecuted social fighters. Joe Ajaero himself was also detained by the police when he intended to attend the Congress of the British trade union confederation TUC, but was released after protests. The NLC headquarters were attacked and vandalized by the Nigerian police.
Among the most significant international support from union leaders for the campaign to free Akende and the other imprisoned activists is that of Steve North, president of UNISON, the largest public sector union in Britain.