Layoffs at Dodoplast: Solidarity is Urgent!

Layoffs at Dodoplast: Solidarity is Urgent!

Two years after unjust layoffs, workers face extreme difficulties while the union seeks support to sustain the struggle and help vulnerable families

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The employees of DodoPlast denounce the unfair dismissal of their colleagues who, initially placed on furlough, have now been permanently dismissed by the company.

A total of 330 employees have been subjected to this injustice for over two years. Although they hoped to be recalled to work, the employees were surprised when, nine months later, the employer asked them to come and sign the redundancy documents. “DodoPlast Togo doesn’t want to raise the minimum wage, so it prefers to employ temporary workers to whom it can pay less,” say the dismissed employees.

During these months of 'furlough,' the employer did not bother to pay any compensation to the employees, and to date, no payments have been made to these workers.

“The SYNATSITO is fully supportive of these employees. We have explored all possible avenues of recourse in this case, including discussions and dialogue with the management and the Ministry. But all in vain. This company thinks it can do anything it wants in Togo and does as it pleases. It is unacceptable for a foreigner to set up in Togo and treat Togolese people this way,” says a member of the free zone workers' union.

Two years after these unjust layoffs, many workers still face extreme difficulties. Some have managed to find new jobs, but the disabled and those nearing retirement have been left to fend for themselves, barely surviving. In response to the silence of the company and the authorities, the workers have decided to demonstrate every working day in front of the company to express their indignation.

The SYNATSITO, the union responsible for these demonstrations and mobilizations, is calling on all social organizations and unions for financial support to sustain the struggle and collect funds for the purchase of school supplies such as notebooks, pens, backpacks, for the children of unemployed workers in vulnerable situations.

Here are the details for financial support:

Account No: 701 014 140 005 1002 COOPEC Solidarite
Transfer in favor of Synatsito / Agence Kagome No. 22940 KAG

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