360. Second Meeting of International Labour Network Addresses Struggle Against Austerity and Workers Solidarity
182 activists from 24 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Britain, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Egypt, France, Haiti, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Palestine, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Syria, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey, Venezuela and Western Sahara) met in Campinas, Brazil to address international solidarity. The largest delegation after the Brazilian one was from our brothers and sisters from CCT Paraguay, leading an important presence of Latin American unionists.
An important 13-strong delegation came from the Arab world under the heat of struggles and revolutions.
Organized jointly by CSP-Conlutas (Brazil), Solidaires (France) and CGT (Spain), the meeting represented another step in uniting militant, anti-capitalist, self-management oriented, democratic, environmentalist and internationalist labour that is both independent from employers and governments and against all forms of oppression (sexism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia).
The main statement was passed calling for a week of international action in October, 2015 from 9 to 25 against austerity plans, for labour rights, stating that the workers shall not pay for the crisis. Each organization will decide upon the actions to be carried out in each country (see it below).
Four workshops addressed Criminalisation of Labour and Social Movements, Immigration, Women and Workers’ Self-Management. All reports and statements on these issues will be posted soon, and the debate will be kept open to new inputs.
Forty motions were passed addressing struggles across the world.
Workgroups bringing together activists from six industries (Auto/Metal/Building workers, Mine/Oil workers. Postal workers, Education workers, Healthcare workers, Public workers) met and presented reports to the main session.
A thrilling homage to Dirceu Travesso, known as Didi, founder of CSP-Conlutas and its responsible for international solidarity who passed away last year after long struggle against cancer, was delivered in the opening of the meeting.
The historical struggle of Black people in Haiti was addressed in the closure with a video and a speech from one of the Haitian delegation.
During CSP-Conlutas II national congress the international guests hold three panels (Latin America, Europe and Arab World/Pakistan) attended by around 150 people each. Three Brazilian unions (Metal and Auto workers of São José dos Campos, SINTUSP/University of São Paulo employees, and São Paulo Metroworkers) held panels on Arab Revolutions and Palestine after the International meeting.
Fighting back capitalists’ backlash is challenging. The general feeling among participants is that the network is stronger and will contribute to unite militant labour and to address all the challenges for the working class worldwide.
Check the specific motions passed in the II Meeting
See below motions passed in the II Meeting about Palestine and Arab World in Arabic