3rd International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggle Meeting
Organizations affiliated to our International trade union network of solidarity and struggle agree on the consequences brought about by the capilatist system and its « crisis » throughout the world and have the will to oppose, together, the anti-social attacks and to conquer new rights, strenghten the trade-unionism to break with capitalism and thus amplify the network to make it more efficient.
Because we are convinced that an offensive trade unionism network must exist which shall be a common international means of actions, where all union forces which practise a trade unionism of struggle, of anti-capitalism, of self-management, democraticy, environmentally aware, independent from bosses and governements, with international connections and fighting against all forms of oppression (sexism, racism,homophobia, xénophobia).
For all these reasons, we are pleased to inform you that we are working on the Network Third meeting which will take place in Madrid, January 25-28, 2018.
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