BRAZIL | 1st Meeting of the Working Class of the Americas on October 16 and 17

BRAZIL | 1st Meeting of the Working Class of the Americas on October 16 and 17

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Just after the 3rd CSP-Conlutas Congress, on October 16 and 17, the 1st Meeting of the Working Class of the Americas will take place in São Paulo.

The event, an initiative of the International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles (ILNSS), an organization composed of hundreds of trade union organizations that work around the world, aims to strengthen relations and exchange experiences of struggle and resistance against the attacks of employer and governments in our continent.

It is expected that representatives from more than 10 countries in the Americas will come, and there are also confirmations of the arrival of trade unionists from South Africa, North Africa and the Middle East.

Strengthening internationalism

In the face of the neoliberal attacks against the peoples of the Americas, the participation of fighters from other countries and Brazilian militants in this meeting is fundamental to build the international struggle and strengthen the mobilizations in defense of our rights. Recent events in the United States, particularly the conflict in Charlottesville that left dozens injured and the dead of an anti-fascist demonstrator, confirm that it is also a crucial part of this meeting to organize the political struggle against the reactionary Trump government.

"The international meeting has two important roles: to organize the international struggle on our continent against Trump's neoliberal plans and imperialist policies and also to develop and build independent and combative trade unionism with the International Trade Union Network of Solidarity and Struggle" , highlighted the member of the CSP-Conlutas International Sector, Herbert Claros.

Check out the arts:

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-* [Facebook event cover->]

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No Walls nor Borders

CSP-Conlutas, which is part of the International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles, has been strengthening important relations with organizations from other countries since the consolidation of its creation in 2013. One outstanding example is the struggle of the French against labor reform and ours support for the General Strike.

The 1st Meeting of the Working Class of the Americas must, therefore, break any territorial barrier and further strengthen internationalism in local struggles on our continent, and also cross oceans.

Herbert makes a video call inviting everyone to attend the 3rd CSP-Conlutas Congress and the 1st Meeting of the Working Class of the Americas.

Check out the videos with subtitles in Spanish and English:

-* [Spanish->]

-* [English->]

Check the schedule of the event right bellow, and follow the updates on the page of the event on Facebook - I Meeting of the Working Class of the Americas. - [I Encuentro de la Clase Trabajadora de las Americas->].

Invite your friends!

Invite your friends!


10/16/2017 (Monday):
08h30 - Accreditation
09h00 - Opening / Panel on political situation on the continent with reports by Country
13h00 - Lunch
14:30 - Continuation of the panel
15h30 - Groups per category: Industry, Mining, Petroleum, Communication / Postal, Transportation, Education, Public Functioning and Popular Movement
20h00 - Confraternization

10/17/2017 (Tuesday):
09h00 - Panel on Trump government and Latin America
12h00 - Lunch
13:30 - Thematic Groups: Women, Combating Racism, Immigrants, LGBTT and Criminalization of Social Movements
4:00 pm - Final Plenary: Manifesto, movements and campaigns

More info - To confirm your participation in the International Meeting and in the Congress of CSP-Conlutas - which will also have an international desk - or to clarify doubts, please contact us by email: or br


Para la acreditación internacional, inscríbase a través del link - For international registration, sign up through the link:[ I Encuentro de la Clase Trabajadora de las Américas | 1st Meeting of the Working Class of Americas ->]


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