Report 4th Meeting of the International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles
Solidaires (CM)
We are facing a problema with regards to the organization of the 4th Meeting of the International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles, which we were originally planning to hold in Dijon (France) at the beginning of June 2020. Due to the uncertainties caused by the current coronavirus pandemic, many delegations hesítate over buying their plane tickets. Our comrades are afraid of the economic difficulties they could face if the Meeting had to be cancelled.
At this stage we cannot tell what the situation will be in June. Governmental actions are uncertain – and perhaps also inconsistent – and this adds to the incertitudes caused by real health concerns. We may still be able to hold our meeting in June and we may not, but right now we cannot tell and it is now that we have to make a decision.
For this reason, the coordinating committee (CSP Conlutas, Solidaires, CGT, CUB) has decided to postpone the Meeting, which will be held at the beginning of 2021, still in Dijon (France). We have confirmed that the booking of the facilities (meeting rooms, hotels, and so on) can be changed at no charge.
The aim of the network’s meeting is to exchange our experiences as combative and autonomous unions, as well as to enable other organisations to gain further knowledge about the network. Celebrating a meeting in June with only a few delegations due to the coronavirus pandemic would not be positive for the network, and thus the deferral is justified.
We are very sorry to anounce this, though we also know that many organisations were awaiting an announcement. We believe that this is the least worst option in a very complicated situation. We do not want to run the risk of holding the meeting in June with only a few attendants, nor to cancel it in the last minute.
From now until the beginning of 2021, when the meeting will be held, the activity of the International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles will continue, as well as our union actions within our own countries, our struggles, our resistance, our achievements, our solidariteis, our work on common topics such as self-management, workers’ control, feminism, anti-racism, migrations, anti-colonialism, the fight against repression. Sectorial work will also continue. The work to strength our network is always an ongoing task.
We look forward to meeting you at the 4th international meeting in Dijon at the beginning of 2021, and will remain active and in solidarity until then. Please, keep sending us information about your actions and your requests for support to the network’s mail list.
The coordinating committee of the International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles
CSP Conlutas (Brasil)
Solidaires (France)
CGT (Estado espagnol)
CUB (Italia)