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Internationalist solidarity with the anti-mining struggle in Ecuador

Internationalist solidarity with the anti-mining struggle in Ecuador

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The International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles expresses solidarity with the Ecuadorian people in the face of the escalating repression by the neoliberal government of Daniel Noboa, in an attempt to impose the expansion of the mining industry in the country through state violence. At this moment, the communities of Palo Quemado and Las Pampas in the province of Cotopaxi are militarized and besieged by repressive forces. Currently, 17% of the total Ecuadorian territory is conceded to transnational mining extractivist projects.


We strongly condemn the criminalization and judicialization of 70 comrades in the territories, an act that constitutes a systematic violation of the legitimate right to resistance, enshrined in Article 98 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador and derived from Article 55, literal c.) of the United Nations Charter as a Human Right. The siege experienced by the communities of Palo Quemado and Las Pampas represents a state policy of persecution against the working class in rural areas, which produces all the food for Ecuador.

Read CTSE motion

On March 4, 2024, Daniel Noboa signed a total of six new mining concessions in Canada, estimated at a total value of USD 4.8 billion, including the "La Plata" mining project. After the signing, the Canadian company Atico Mining Corporation, to which the project was awarded, immediately received logistical support from the repressive forces of the Ecuadorian state, militarizing the territory since March 10.


More than 500 members of the Armed Forces and the National Police currently occupy the territory to force an environmental consultation, a legal figure created by the Ecuadorian government on March 6, to violate and surpass the collective right to free and informed consultation, guaranteed in International Labour Organization Convention 169, a convention ratified by the Republic of Ecuador.


The International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles demands the immediate release and cessation of the judicialization of the comrades falsely charged with terrorism:

Wiliam David Viteri Tipanluisa

Pedro Rodrigo Ashqui Villamarín

Leny Verónica Toapanta Chicaiza

Adriana Graciela Robayo Masapanta

Lidia Isabel Espín Segovia

Mariela Lisseth Viteri Andino

Jame Eduardo Viteri Castellano

Martha Reveca Masapanta

María Esther Masapanta Suilaisa

Marcelo Robayo Rueda

Lucía Magdalena Uribe Artos

Fausto Castellano Carvajal

María Angélica Masapanta Tipanquiza

Yolanda Andino Valverde

Carmen Iralda Perez Calero

Nelson Gómez

Angel Osvaldo Artos Artos

Bryan Germán Mena Valiente

Nancy Margoth Loachamín Ayala

Nixon Bayardo Artos Tocte

Walter Lizandro Tocte Días

Fernando Rubén Balseca Porras

Reny Paúl Viteri Uribe

Walter Edelmir Carvajal Silva

Juan Carlos Carvajal Silva

Josselin Marisol Viteri Castellano

Dennis Alexander Viteri Moreno

Edison Nau Vizuete Artos

Oswaldo Alciviades Anono Maldonado

Jessica Marilú Tipanluisa Tipanluisa

Leonél Vizuete Artos

Hermogenes Genaro Andino Quevedo

Luis Hermogenes Martínez Fernández

Galo Orlando Artos Espín

Anderson David Tocte Gómez

Glenda Patricia Tocte Gómez

Doris Viviana Gallardo Portilla

Clara Margoth Villamarín Borja

José Isaías Viteri Artos

María Esther Masapanta Suilaisa

Wilson Orlando Valiente Andino

Diego Santiago Artos Tocte

Mónica Morelia Andino Maldonado

Alex Wladimir Vizuete Artos

Taliga Elizabeth Viteri Artos

Ramiro Viteri

Freddy Changuluiza

Geovanny Granja

Mariano Quevedo

Manolo Chiriboga

Cecilia Moreno

José Chiriboga

Marcelo Albán

Ector Artos Viteri

William Artos

William Balseca

Wilson Medardo Quevedo Cruz

Héctor Aníbal Escudero Silva

Angel Oña

Guido Balseca

Néstor Quinaucho

Alba Mata

Fabián Balseca

Marcelo Quinaucho

Isolina Cruz


Additionally, we demand an end to the repression and militarization of territories and the violation of Human and collective Rights. We urge the international working class to remain vigilant against the neo-extractivist policy of the Daniel Noboa government, which responds to the interests of multinational corporations and imperialist economies, which exacerbate the violence of the logic of exploitation of global capital in the Global South. We demand unrestricted respect for the Human Right to resistance and territorial self-determination of peoples and nationalities, as well as respect for the collective right to prior, free, and informed consultation.


Finally, we alert about internal militarization as an instrument of persecution and dismantling of the organizational processes of the working class, systematically implemented by the current governments of Ecuador. Since January 9, 2024, Ecuador has been under the declaration of an Internal Armed Conflict, supposedly provoked by organized crime. With the repressive and judicial actions of recent days, it is clear that this declaration is not directed against narcodelictive structures, but rather represents a declaration of war against the Ecuadorian working class, in an attempt to maximize labor exploitation through contractual liberalization and allow territorial dispossession to benefit local and transnational mining capital, linked in many cases to the narcodelictive networks mentioned by the Ecuadorian government.


Internationalist solidarity with the working class in rural Ecuador and the popular processes of territorial defense!


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