International Network Meeting will bring together automotive workers and activists

International Network Meeting will bring together automotive workers and activists

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The International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles will hold an international meeting with trade union activists and automotive organizations at the headquarters of the Union Solidaires in France.

The meeting will be instrumental in drawing up plans to fight against carmakers and auto parts that are deepening, through plant restructuring, attacks and the withdrawal of rights of workers in the category.

Check out the call and the activity schedule below:


Meeting of workers from the International Trade Union Solidarity and Struggles Union automotive sector


Major automakers and auto parts are deepening their restructuring plans and going through a period of change that they call "strategic." They are using the changes made with the so-called “Industry 4.0” and the adaptations of alternative fuel vehicles to develop their
restructuring plans and attack workers in different countries.

The International Trade Union Network of Solidarity and Struggles convenes an international meeting of trade union activists and organizations representing workers from
automakers and auto parts.

We want to continue the sectoral meeting of the auto workers we organized at the last RSISL world meeting in January 2018 in El Escorial (Madrid).

Date: November 15-16, 2019

Location: National Headquarters of Solidaires Trade Union Central - Paris







Day 15
Morning: Opening of the papers / Presentation of the countries about the struggles of the automakers workers in their countries.
Afternoon: Panel on Industry 4.0

Day 16
Morning: Continued debate on Industry 4.0 and workers' challenges and struggles.
Afternoon: Plan of fights, statements and motions.

For registration fill out the form:

More information:

Marc Tzwangue Solidaires / Sud Industrie France:
Herbert Claros - CSP-Conlutas Brasil:















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