European Network Meeting
The Network
After the February 2024 meeting in Milan we have reconvened in Warsaw in order to further the discussion on the more practical aspects of union work and issues. Since the Fifth Meeting Of the International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggle we wish to continue linking together the European territory.
With such an intent we have met with the IP unions of the following sectors:
Women domestic workers
Home delivery workers
Video Game applications workers
We have come to a general consensus on the following issues:
● The financing of ILNSS cannot and does not have to be the sole responsibility of the four coordinating organizations (CGT - CSP Conlutas - CUB - Solidaires).
The European organizations attending this meeting will commit to bring each a sum proportionate to their possibilities in occasion of the sixth ILNSS meeting planned at the end of 2025. A letter will be sent in order for the European organizations members of the ILNSS to express their possible efforts.
● For the European action of all retired workers, on May 23 and 24, 2024, in Bilbao.
● Solidarity with the resistance of all the workers in Ukraine!
● Keeping up with the support for Julian Assange .
● Keeping up with the support for the struggle of Argentinian people, their struggle is our struggle too!
● Agriculture: it does urge a change of model! On July 19 and 20 in Poitou (Solidaires)
● Keeping up with the support for all demonstrations tu put an end to the genocide of the Palestinian people!
● Keeping up with the support of the Boycott against the apartheid system. No military cooperation with Israel, stop the massacre of the Palestinian people!
● Keeping up with the support of the student movement supporting the fight of Palestinian people.
● Keeping up with the support of the students in Krakow (Poland)
● Keeping up with the support for the struggle of the ex- GKN workers in Florence (Italy)
● Keeping up with the support for the struggle of the workers in the cultural industry in Warsaw
Moreover the following sector-based meetings have been called.
● On July 5, 6 and 7 in Ruesta , CGT-e calles for the ILNSS metal sector
● From 19th to 21th November, Solidaires calls for telemarketing and call center sector.
● In December in París, Solidaires commits to organize a meeting for the social and health sector.
● In the first trimester of 2025, in Venice, ADL Cobas commits to organize a meeting of cultural workers.
We commit to the call for the following worldwide meetings:
● On November 18 and 19 the ILNSS call against the G20 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
● At the end of 2025 the Sixth meeting of the ILNSS in Italy .
The next European meeting will be held in Paris on September 28 and 29, organized by Solidaires. The points on the agenda, after a quick presentation of the social situation in each country, are going to be:
Evaluation of the previous meetings aimed to implement the ILNSS documents and reaching common claims :
- Comparative presentation of the main concepts regarding labour legislation in Europe (CGT )
- Comparative presentation of retirement legislation in Europe (CUB)
- Comparative presentation of the situation of migrant workers in a variety of industries and sectors (IP and ADL - Cobas)
- Comparative presentation of the education sector in Europe (Solidaires)
- Finalize the organization of our participation in the demonstrations against G20, possibly with a zoom meeting with CSP Conlutas.
- Follow up on the topic of financing the ILNSS, analysis by the unions with respect to the resolution taken during the Milan meeting and of the proposals that came through the meeting in Warsaw.